Hermes Germany, founded in 1972 in West Germany, is a leading logistics service provider based in Hamburg, Germany. It is a crucial player in the European parcel delivery sector, handling nationwide parcel delivery through its ten ultra-modern logistics centers and around 270 private and partner locations, as well as a network of over 16,500 ParcelShops. The company employs around 6,000 people and over 10,500 delivery agents, serving customers daily. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, Hermes Germany successfully maintained its position as one of the leading parcel delivery services in Germany, generating a turnover of over €1.7 billion. The company focuses on domestic parcel delivery within Germany, and with Hermes International and Hermes BorderGuru, it also offers attractive international parcel shipping services and processes upstream goods flows worldwide.
Hermes Germany's services include a collection of consignments within a 3-hour time window, shipment to over 26 countries in Europe, liability coverage up to €500 included in the parcel price, Cash on Delivery (COD) option, and simple management of return shipments. The company specializes in parcel shipments, offering targeted and sector-specific shipping solutions, innovative services, personal contact for customers, and continuous detailed tracking of performances
Services and Operations
Hermes Germany offers diverse logistics services, including domestic and international parcel delivery, specialized e-commerce solutions, and extensive supply chain management. Their service portfolio is designed to meet the evolving needs of the modern market, ensuring timely and reliable deliveries. With a robust network across Germany and Europe, Hermes facilitates seamless logistics operations, enhancing the shipping experience for businesses and consumers alike.
Technological Innovation and Expansion
Leveraging advanced technology, Hermes Germany has optimized its logistics operations to ensure speed, transparency, and efficiency. The company's commitment to innovation is reflected in its state-of-the-art tracking systems, environmentally-friendly transportation solutions, and customer-focused services, making it a leader in the logistics sector.
Hermes Germany Shipment Tracking and Delivery
Tracking System
Hermes Germany offers a sophisticated online tracking system, enabling customers to monitor their shipments effortlessly. By entering the tracking number, clients can access real-time updates on the whereabouts and status of their parcels, providing transparency throughout the shipping process.
Tracking Number Format
Hermes Germany utilizes two distinct formats for its tracking numbers to ensure accurate and efficient shipment tracking:
- 20-Character Version: This format begins with the letter 'H' followed by 19 digits, exemplified by tracking numbers like 'H1012345678901234567'. This extended format offers detailed tracking information for each shipment.
- 14 字元版本:此較短版本僅包含數字,例如“12345678912345”。這種格式也專為精確追蹤和輕鬆識別愛馬仕配送網路中的包裹而設計。
這些不同的追蹤號碼格式使 Hermes 德國能夠為所有類型的貨件(無論是國內還是國際)提供可靠且最新的追蹤資訊。
若要追蹤 Hermes 德國的貨件,您需要在指定欄位中輸入您的追蹤號碼,然後按一下「承運商」按鈕,然後選擇「Hermes 德國」。如果您不確定哪家承運商正在處理您的貨件,系統可以自動為您選擇承運商。然後,點擊「追蹤」按鈕,您將被重新導向到追蹤結果頁面,您可以在其中找到有關貨件狀態和位置的詳細資訊。
Hermes 德國提供高效率的送貨服務,具體時間範圍根據貨件類型和目的地而有所不同:
- 國內配送:對於德國境內的出貨,Hermes 通常會在 1-3 個工作天內出貨。確切的時間可能會有所不同,具體取決於目的地與城市中心或偏遠地區的距離。
- 國際貨件:國際貨件的交貨時間可能會有較大差異。歐洲目的地通常會在3-7 個工作天內收到包裹,而運送到其他大陸可能需要更長的時間,從7-14 個工作天不等,具體取決於目的地國家/地區和海關處理情況。
這些交付時間框架體現了 Hermes 德國致力於提供及時、可靠的運輸服務,滿足國內外客戶的多樣化需求。
如果您的 Hermes 德國發貨延遲,請先使用您的追蹤號碼檢查當前狀態。如果沒有更新或明顯延遲,請聯絡 Hermes 德國的客戶支援以獲取更多資訊和協助。
Hermes 德國的不同追蹤狀態可讓您深入了解您的貨件行程。「在途」表示移動,「待送達」表示接近目的地,「已送達」表示確認到達。如果您看到「異常」或類似狀態,則可能表示有延遲或需要注意的問題,您應聯絡客戶支援。
對於德國境內的國內送貨,愛馬仕通常會在 1-3 個工作天內送貨。國際遞送時間各不相同,歐洲目的地通常需要 3-7 個工作日,其他國際地點通常需要 7-14 個工作日,具體取決於海關和距離。
對於 Hermes 德國的任何與運輸相關的問題或疑問,請聯絡他們的客戶服務團隊。聯絡方式可在愛馬仕德國網站上找到,他們可以協助查詢有關貨運追蹤、送貨問題和其他物流服務的資訊。
Hermes Germany的月度統計 – 2025年2月
我們在2025年2月的Hermes Germany月度交貨時間統計提供了從發貨地到目的地國家的最小、平均和最長交貨時間的見解。
從 | 到 | 交貨時間 |
德国 | 德国 |
德国 | 荷兰 |
德国 | 斯洛伐克 |
德国 | 波兰 |
德国 | 意大利 |
德国 | 法国 |
德国 | 保加利亚 |
德国 | 羅馬尼亞 |
德国 | 未知 |
德国 | 比利时 |
德国 | 捷克语 |