XYL Tracking

XYL is a Chinese logistics company established in 2005


Track XYL shipments from China


Xingyuan International Logistics (XYL) is a Chinese logistics company established in 2005 and is located at the Russian border port. The company is mainly engaged in the integrated business services of special line delivery and customs clearance in the former Soviet Union countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, it also engaged in Business-to-Business services (B2B). The service objects are medium-sized and large cross-border logistics companies and export trading companies.

XYL has a comprehensive warehouse (816 warehouse, approved by China-Russia Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation) in Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, with a total area of about 20,000 square meters.

How do I track XYL shipments from China?

To track a XYL shipments from China, put the tracking number in the field above, click on "Carrier" button and select "XYL", if you are not sure which carrier delivers your shipment, then leave the system to choose the carrier automatically on your behalf, after that click on "Track" button, then you will be redirected to the tracking results page where you will find detailed information about your shipment including locations and dates.

How long does it take for XYL to deliver shipments from China?

According to our statistics, XYL will deliver your shipments from China to Russia and Soviet Union countries within 15-33 days, sometimes up to 60 days depend on delivery service used.

Our Monthly Statistics for XYL – December 2024

Our monthly delivery time statistics for XYL in December 2024 provide insights into the minimum, average, and maximum shipment delivery times from the origin to the destination country.

From To Delivery Time
China CHN
Russia RUS
  • Min: 21 days
  • Avg: 21 days
  • Max: 21 days