
MakeFly Tracking

MakeFly is a Chinese logistics company headquartered in Shenzhen, China.


Track MakeFly shipments from China


MakeFly is a Chinese logistics company headquartered in Shenzhen, China. The company is an e-commerce logistics service provider have focused on transnational e-commerce logistics operations, supported by a professional IT team and high-quality operation team, integrated high-quality carrier resources and foreign trade e-commerce sales platforms, and provided all-round logistics services for e-commerce users. Tens of thousands of packages are sent to the world through the company every day.

MakeFly offers Amazon FBA delivery services to Europe, USA and Japan, The company also work with the express delivery services such as UPS, DHL, FedEx and TNT.

MakeFly is currently offline which is why the URL is not included on this page, but the tracking service is still working fine and you can track your shipments as normal using our package tracking platform.

How do I track MakeFly shipments from China?

To track a MakeFly shipments from China, put the tracking number in the field above, click on "Carrier" button and select "MakeFly", if you are not sure which carrier delivers your shipment, then leave the system to choose the carrier automatically on your behalf, after that click on "Track" button, then you will be redirected to the tracking results page where you will find detailed information about your shipment including locations and dates.

How long does it take for MakeFly to deliver shipments from China?

According to our statistics, MakeFly will deliver your shipments from China to USA within 30 days on average.

Our Monthly Statistics for MakeFly – December 2024

Our monthly delivery time statistics for MakeFly in December 2024 provide insights into the minimum, average, and maximum shipment delivery times from the origin to the destination country.

From To Delivery Time
China CHN
United States USA
United States
  • Min: 32 days
  • Avg: 32 days
  • Max: 32 days