DHL Parcel Poland

DHL Parcel Poland Tracking

DHL Parcel Poland is DHL express service for delivering parcels between stores and its customers within Poland.


Track DHL Parcel Poland parcels

DHL Parcel Poland

DHL and Deutsche Post make up the world's largest postal and logistics company. Together they are known as the Deutsche Post DHL Group. They offer an unparalleled range of road, air and rail logistics solutions. With 500,000 employees in over 220 countries around the world.

DHL Parcel Poland is DHL express service for delivering parcels between stores and its customers within Poland.

How do I track DHL Parcel Poland parcels?

To track a DHL Parcel Poland parcels, put the tracking number in the field above, click on "Carrier" button and select "DHL Parcel Poland", if you are not sure which carrier delivers your parcel, then leave the system to choose the carrier automatically on your behalf, after that click on "Track" button, then you will be redirected to the tracking results page where you will find detailed information about your shipment including locations and dates.

How does DHL Parcel Poland tracking numbers look like?

DHL Parcel Poland tracking numbers have two forms :

  • form 1 has 11 digits e.g. 20134573938, 21134573654.
  • form 2 has 26-27 characters in length it starts with letters "JD" or "JJD" followed by 24 digits. e.g. JD000020099946000000009665, JJD000020021762000000431095.

How long does it take for DHL Parcel Poland to deliver your parcels?

The delivery time mainly depends on the destination location and DHL service that your package sender chooses. For domestic parcels, the delivery time should be 2-7 days.

Our Monthly Statistics for DHL Parcel Poland – February 2025

Our monthly delivery time statistics for DHL Parcel Poland in February 2025 provide insights into the minimum, average, and maximum shipment delivery times from the origin to the destination country.

From To Delivery Time
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
  • Min: 0 days
  • Avg: 4 days
  • Max: 63 days
China CHN
Poland POL
  • Min: 29 days
  • Avg: 43 days
  • Max: 57 days